Biden’s foreign policy and the South China Sea issue

Since winning more than 270 electoral votes, President-elect Joe Biden has contacted leaders of allied countries, pledging to mend partnerships that have been dented over the past few years, and reasserted the US’s commitment to mutual security agreements which have…
Extraditing Ms. Ho Thi Kim Thoa back to Vietnam not easy

Recently, on social media, news about former Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Ho Thi Kim Thoa circulated on social media that she was arrested in France and was about to be sent back to Vietnam to take responsibility for…
Liệu có phải là Đảng luôn lắng nghe dân không?

Trong bài viết “Đảng luôn lắng nghe dân để có ‘văn bia muôn đời sau’”, tác giả Nguyễn Tấn Tuân giải thích rằng việc lấy ý kiến góp ý của nhân dân vào các dự thảo văn kiện trình Đại…
The Hanoi Declaration does not mention the South China Sea disputes

Vietnam and other countries participating East Asian Summit did not mention territorial sea disputes in the South China Sea in the Hanoi Declaration in the context of the ASEAN countries focusing on trade and the COVID-19 pandemic, with the conclusion…
Ms. Pham Chi Lan: I’m more worried when Vietnam signs RCEP

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade agreement signed between the ASEAN bloc and five partner countries in the region in which Vietnam officially participates after the event on November 15, 2020, has dual factors, advantages, and disadvantages associated with…
Who is the biggest beneficiary of RCEP?

10 ASEAN members and 5 countries have signed a large-scale free trade agreement promising to accelerate the economy after the Covid-19 pandemic. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) was signed online after 8 years of negotiation. RCEP is comprised of…

10 thành viên ASEAN cùng 5 nước ký hiệp định thương mại tự do qui mô hứa hẹn tăng tốc kinh tế hậu đại dịch Covid-19. Hiệp định Đối tác kinh tế toàn diện khu vực (RCEP) được ký kết…