Vietnamese hackers try to attack the Chinese network to steal data

Reuters on Wednesday reported that the APT32 hacker group supporting the Vietnamese government have sought to break into personal and the working emails of staffs from China’s Ministry of Emergency Management and the Wuhan City government to get information about…
Who release Coronavirus on US and French aircraft carriers?

The Covid-19’s strong attack on the aircraft carriers of the world military powers, France and the US, led the two countries to step up the investigation of the source of infection. According to a review released by the French military…
Xi Jinping “flips the mask” – the world is wary

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted a feature of Chinese diplomacy “under the reign” of Xi Jinping – that is, aggressive, arrogant, rude features different from a hidden China  along with the previous generation of modest and courteous diplomats. China has…
Thousands of lawsuits against China – Xi Jinping “hiding”

Vietnamese-Americans are joining “thousands of plaintiffs” in suing the Chinese government for spreading the Coronavirus and “claiming billions of dollars in compensation” for physical and financial damages. According to a record filed by the Berman Law Firm in Florida, the…